Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I just don't know

I am sitting in a coffee shop in Playa Del Rey trying to figure out how to explain a week of my life that cannot be explained. After San Fran I gathered supplies and went to live in the desert north of Reno for one week with 50,000 of the most generous, caring, like minded, forward thinking, inspirational human beings on this planet. Black Rock City, Nevada is the fifth largest city in Nevada and it exists for only one week a year. Everything you carry into the city is your responsibility and you must carry it out with you. As I was told prior to my first "Burn" is that Black Rock City is anything you want it to be. I had no idea of how true that would prove to be. Anything and everything is possible.

We were fortunate enough to have a full moon week and our sunrise parties were accompained by the setting of the moon followed by the rising of a fresh new sun.

The artwork at Burnning Man was my favorite aspect of the event.
No cars are allowed unless registered ahead of time and decorated as "ART CARS" You could jump on any car you want and follow the party or meet up with another car and watch the sun rise and dance until noon. Really anything goes. I was so busy enjoying myself and absorbing the insanity around me that I didn't get many photos, but the few that I got are a good example of the controllled madness. Everyone there was responsible with their insanity and made you comfortable doing things that you never thought you were capable of doing. It was truely how the world should be on a daily basis. People responsible for their own waste and consumption and helpiing each other to make the whole organism work.
My trip back through Reno was just a profound. It was like caomming down from a long slow dream on a far away mountain and finding the ants still at work on the valley floor. I meet my friend Brooke in the city and sat down for one of the best breakfasts of my life. We found a nice park with a river running through it and I got to take my first bath in over a week. Other "Burnners" were also enjoying the water after a week int he desert and we got to continue the party for that much longer. Brooke and I went our seperate ways and I headed back to San Fransico. I must have been flying high cause the six hours of traffic didn't even put a damper on my spirits. I stayed in San Fran for a day and then headed down to LA. I couldn't have picked a more opposite place on the planet to go after BRC. But the vibe stayed with me and I have been surfing and visiting old college friends. To quote my friend Alex, I'm swimming towards broke like Michael F@ucking Phelps. I am going to start my treck home in a few days by way of Lake Mead and The Grand Canyon and, oddly enough, Kentucky. Not sure what's in store but there is only one way to find out.


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