Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Bear Necessities/ Oh, Hell hath fury.

It's a challenge deciding what to bring with you for the next month of your life. I luckly got it down to the things I could not live without, the bear necessities, if you will. Believe me I have gotten so crazy looks on the road. and I quote: "I seen a lot of things in my day, boy. I been to three state fairs and a rodeo and I ain't never seen a damn bicycle strapped to the back of a motorcycle." End Quote. This guy in MS kept blown fuses on his HD and had narrowed the problem down to a pinched wire in the throttle where he had just installed new CHROME covers. Chrome is a killer, every time.

So apparently I am much better and riding a motorcycle than I am about stopping and updating this blog. It is Sunday the 26th and I am almost to St. Louis.

Yesterday was very, FULL, is the word I am looking for. I started out at around 8:30 from New Orleans and followed Hwy 61 up to Natchez, MS. I decided to wind my way to the western side of the river and crossed two wonderful old bridges and popped in and out of LA and MS more times than I care to remember. I covered a grand total of 500 miles which I wasn't sure I'd be able to do considering I haven't been on a motorcycle for more than a few miles in months. I hit Memphis, TN at sundown and rolled into a KOA just in time to set up my tent. I was so tired that I hit the mat and fell out quick. The lady who I reserved the camping spot from said it "may rain" later on but that it never flooded there before so I should be safe. I am pretty sure she was high on crack at the time cause there was a thunderstorm that sounded like hell was opening up and deciding on earth. I really wish I had my camera in the tent cause it would have made for some wicked photos. The rain stopped at around 5 Am and I slept for a few hours. The next morning I emerged from my little cave to find that I was set up in the only dry spot in the entire place. The spot next to me was not as lucky.

I am eating just south of ST. L and am very curious about what today has in store for me.
Photos are on their way. Long story!


  1. Wow.... that's really awesome....
    Stay on the southern/western side of the river between Winona, MN and Lake City, MN... Some of the coolest stretch of highway in the US.

  2. Cool J, rippin' it up battling the elements. I love it.

    Dude, you give Cruz a holler while you were in the man's city?
